Kristy Burrell

As a sales progressor it is Kristy’s role to help ensure the smooth progression of the purchase process for our clients following acceptance of an offer until the keys are handed over to our clients. Organising and detailing the required due diligence and resolving issues along the way. Kristy provides the highest level of communication and customer service to all clients and ensures they are updated and advised accordingly.


Kristy has many years of various experiences within the housing market, where she enjoyed helping people find their ideal homes while tackling new challenges. She excels in building relationships with clients, both face-to-face and over the phone. Kristy values the teamwork within the industry, as it allows the team to work together towards a common goal. Joining PLG gave her the opportunity to apply her knowledge and continue learning every day, all while supporting our clients achieve their homes.

Expertise: Pro-active, problem solver, good communicator and enthusiastic



What was the first single you bought or downloaded? Kylie Manogue – I should be so lucky

What are 3 words to describe yourself? Organised, Bubbly and Helpful

If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day? Lady Gaga, who wouldn’t want to be a rockstar for the day?

Email Kristy